Tuesday 22 January 2013

Using Technology in the Classroom

In today's developing world, the advancement of technology has taken an integral part in our daily lives. With its ability to enhance work processes in the business world the classroom has become no exception. Gone are the days of just rote learning and sage on the stage teaching with just chalk and a chalkboard.

Some of the new technology used with the learning process of classrooms today include:
  • Laptops
  • Projectors
  • Televisions
  • Smartboards
  • CDs
  • DVDs
  • DVD Players
  • Digital Cameras
  • Video Cameras
  • Educational Software
  • Tablets 
Here is a short clip of teachers at a school promoting learning through the use of technology:

NB: I do not claim ownership to the video above. Thank You.

Some advantages of the using such technology in the classroom include:
  • Provision for visual learners - Children learn in different forms and some learn better visually
  • Enable demonstrations of complex concepts


  1. I would just like to mention that I agree with what was said by the original poster

  2. Would also like to say that the biggest problem with technology is its misuse. Like all things, anything that is conceived can be used for something positive or negative.

    There are many issues in society that arise through the use of technology. Take pornography on cell phones in schools for example. That is a misuse and abuse of technology. Some suggestions include the taking away of cell phones from students in schools. Does that solve the problem? NO it does not, it merely sweeps the problem under the rug and leaves it for someone else to have to deal with.

    The way that the cell phones are being used in schools these days are a reflection of our society in general. If our children respected themselves, they would not have this sort of content on their phones. True solution? Parents need to guide their children from young and teach them to respect themselves and resist peer pressure.

    This is merely one example of how technology can be abused. This truly is where the danger lies.
